ANZL109.ZIP 193,818 06-04-96 (v10.7) Anzio Lite - Windows Telnet ClientTerminal emulation for the Windows Sockets(WINSOCK) environment. Includes sizablefonts, 80/132-column support, pass-throughprint, function keys, color, line-drawing,
ASP121.ZIP 19,163 07-14-96 asp is a simple way to find an host ipaddress knowing its name and the range of itspossible ip address. It would be useful topeople using dial-up connections with dynamicip.
AUHTML12.ZIP 29,381 06-23-96 AUTOHTML v1.2 - creates HTML hypertextdocuments - fully linked muliple WWW pages -from text files automatically.
BASE64_4.ZIP 49,432 07-25-96 Base64/Mime encoder/decoder for DOS. Works onmany different formats, and can split filesfor encoding and decoding. Now includesWindows interface program! Fire Frog-
BFAST.ZIP 117,730 05-08-96 Browse Fast b1. Designed to facilitatemultitasking Netscape Navigator to improveinternet response time. BrowseFast functionsas "Call-Waiting" for the internet, showingthe status of web sites, newsgroups, mail and
DUNCE2_3.ZIP 97,151 06-05-96 Dunce (or Dial-Up Networking ConnectionEnhancement) allows for much easier dial-upnetworking than Win95 currently provides. Theprogram will automatically press "connect"for you on the "Connect To" dialog box,
EAM_V2.ZIP 64,812 07-01-96 e-mail address manager v2.0 for windows 3.1and 95. Maintain bulk e-mail addresses topromote your product or business. $14.95shareware
ECHESS20.ZIP 460,536 07-07-96 Internet Electronic Chess v2.0
EMAILR32.ZIP 129,290 05-16-96 Collect e-mail automatically from any ISP
EUMAL607.ZIP 134,338 07-28-96 EUMAIL.EXE (6.07): Eudora mail summarizer.Dumps your Qualcomm Eudora mailbook as wellas summarizing the contents of all of yourEudora boxes and folders. Freeware.
HHTK_10.ZIP 4179,117 07-02-96 HTML HANDY-MANS TOOL KIT v1.0 - for Windows 9
HTMLCOLR.ZIP 473,309 08-18-96 HTML Color code generator! Generates thecolor hex code for web
HTMLE96B.ZIP 182,301 07-22-96 HTML-Ed (beta), a full-featured HTML editor.
HTMLVB03.ZIP 35,124 05-28-96 HTMLview is a program that lets you view HTMLpages.
HTML_MAP.ZIP 171,789 06-28-96 HTML File Mapper 1.0 is an html filemanagement program that can be a useful toolin managing Web page projects for theInternet's World Wide Web, especially if aproject is large, involving numerous links to
HTMST607.ZIP 140,883 07-28-96 HTMSTRIP.EXE (6.07): Goes through downloadedpages from the Web and removes embedded HTMLcommands. Reflows paragraphs and tries tomake it basically readable. Awarded a "Best"rating by "PC Computing" in their July 1996
ICOMM120.ZIP 437,133 05-21-96 I-Comm is a full feature WWW graphicalbrowser and modem communication program. Itdoes not require any SLIP/PPP connection.I-Comm provides a friendly graphical userinterface which allows user switching between
INF110.ZIP 96,937 06-01-96 InfoMail 1.10, the latest release of thispopular document server. New Featuresinclude: a 386 executable, faster execution,global header and footer files, 16-characterdocument names, 16k netmails, expandable
JUNO.ZIP 1371,030 08-14-96 Free email service for Windows 3.1/95. Thereare no fees for the service, because it usesadvertising to generate revenue.
KNOTS1_0.ZIP 96,071 05-21-96 KNOTS v1.0 A DOS based HTML browser
KSPMTS29.ZIP 175,447 08-13-96 KSP-Mail (vers 2.9) A Multi-Threaded Serverfor ESMTP Mail and NNTP Usenet news. ReplacesUUCP, its monthly fees, and slow transferrates! No more unwanted newsgroups! Instantmail without waiting for scheduled events!
MAEXTOS2.ZIP 100,225 06-06-96 MailExtr v3.x (OS/2) for Microsoft MailMailExtr polls MS Mail for messages sent toit and if it gets one, copys the attachmentsto a directory of your choice and, as anoption, notify another user via a message.
MAREDOS2.ZIP 477,371 06-28-96 MailRed v3.x (OS/2) for Microsoft MailMailRed redirects messages from a mailbox toanother address and/or sends absentnotifications (out-of-office messages).
MASNDOS2.ZIP 101,215 06-19-96 MailSend v3.x (OS/2) for Microsoft MailMailSend's purpose is to send MS Mailmessages from the command line or from batchfiles. -After you do your overnight backup,send the backup log to your mailbox. -Export
MERC130.ZIP 559,805 06-23-96 Mercury - Version 1.30 - SMTP gateway forPegasus Mail - With NDS support
MIRC452.ZIP 270,315 07-24-96 mIRC v4.52 for windows
N105-XT.ZIP 359,297 07-12-96 NETTAMER v.105 for XTs, 286s. Integrated PPPdial up access program, which requires no TSRpacket driver. It will web browse, get/sendyour email, get/send usenet messages, FTPupload/download a file, TELNET to another
N1051386.ZIP 641,600 07-17-96 Nettamer v105 for 386s and above. An all-in-one DOS PPP dial up access program, whichrequires no TSR packet driver. It will webbrowse, get/send your email, get/send usenetmessages, FTP upload/download a file, TELNET
NB20B6.ZIP 79,615 05-05-96 Internet menu utility
NB32164.ZIP 56,273 05-29-96 NewsBin32 v1.64, automated newsgroupdownloader and decoder. Download and decodeUUEncoded files unattended.
NETTIME.ZIP 49,496 06-10-96 Get Atomic Time via TIPX/IPAD (NIST)
NFXW30.ZIP 98,110 07-12-96 NFX/Win v3.0: NFX for Windows 3.x. Easy touse offline mail reader for QWK & SOUPpackets. Handles HUGE packets, thousands ofmessages per conf/Area. NOW includes FOLDERS!SYSOPS can also receive a version that can be
NT16310.ZIP 571,188 07-02-96 NetTerm v3.0.0 Internet Telnet OVID ZmodemSLIP NetTerm is a Windows based terminalemulator with fast zmodem file transfers. Itcan also be used as a dialer program forSLIP/PPP and includes a built in scripting
NTLS10.ZIP 41,008 07-22-96 NTLSERV 1.0 Nettamer 3rd party utility sorts& extracts listserv msgs to a separate file.Requires Nettamer, obviously.
NTUP386.ZIP 291,395 07-28-96 Nettamer 106 Beta for 386+. All in oneInternet client; requires
NWRTH210.ZIP 301,702 06-09-96 NewsWerthy v2.10 - offline mail reader forusenet SOUP format news and mail. DOS based,keyboard or mouse, with context sensitivehelp for all read, reply, and save messagefunction.
POSTMAN.ZIP 73,571 08-03-96 Allows you to send msgs to a Group, Security
PRINET.ZIP 2,921 05-08-96 THE PRIVATIZATION OF THE INTERNET Accordingto *The 1996 Project Censored Yearbook*, theInternet "was essentially sold last year. Thefederal government has been graduallytransferring the backbone of the U.S. portion
PUBPRO.ZIP 3222,316 05-08-96 Professional 32 bit HTML editor with JAVA sup
SBN32_25.ZIP 236,640 05-15-96 SBNews: automated news robot. Automaticallydownloads and UUdecodes from binarynewsgroups.
SERVU20B.ZIP 435,270 05-11-96 Serv-U - FTP server for MS-Windows Thegeneral purpose FTP server for Win3.1,WFW3.11, Win95 & NT. Easy to set up andmaintain, flexible, yet with lots ofsecurity. Supports multiple simultaneous
SIDIS100.ZIP 291,285 06-01-96 Small Internet Dial-In Server Package allowsup to four inbound modem connections to accesLAN or internet.
SMEHTM10.ZIP 122,465 06-23-96 Smalled HTML Extensions will turn editorslike Smalled and e.exe into complete HTMLeditors. SMEHTM Acts like a notebook-stylefloating toolbar through which tags can beentered in the editor. Some Features:
SORTFILE.ZIP 33,739 07-16-96 SORTFILE Utility for Nettamer; sortsaddress.lst.
SPAM011.ZIP 86,863 07-10-96 SPAM Finds originating domain of spammessages and returns message to postmaster.Automatically places mail in SOUPER packet.Output usable with other mail software. ForPC. Includes DOS and OS/2 versions. Freeware
TELFTP32.ZIP 203,016 05-01-96 New combination Internet Telnet and ftp clien
TFTP32.ZIP 1193,466 05-01-96 TFTP server and client for WIN95
TRANSX11.ZIP 165,060 05-22-96 TRANSX 1.1 - Shareware Version* This programuses internet email to transport yourfido-style messages and file attaches inorder to avoid long distance bills! Great ifyou poll any systems long distance for mail
TXMAIL01.ZIP 137,536 06-21-96 * TXMAILER 1.0b - Free Version This programallows you to integrate "TRANSX" with anyinternet provider that can offer you a SLIPaccount. Uses the SMTP/POP3 protocols totransfer your mail packets. No more need for
UNHTML15.ZIP 72,910 06-07-96 Utility to strip HTML codes.
URLMGR95.ZIP 412,755 05-17-96 Gather and organize your favorite Internet ad
WBIT3215.ZIP 523,815 07-30-96 Web-It!32-The ultimate HTML Editor v1.5 <ASP>Create your web pages with ease. Supportsmany features such as frames, forms, images,image maps, tables, lists and more. Twoversions available: Standard & Professional.
WEBF11.ZIP 92,666 06-13-96 WebFetch v1.1 - Downloads a web page and itsaccompanying images so they display properlyfrom your disk. Windows (3.1+, Wg, or NT),Winsock support & vbrun300.dll req'd.Freeware.
WEBIT15.ZIP 511,880 07-30-96 Web-It! The ultimate HTML Editor v1.5 <ASP>Create your web pages with ease. Supportsmany features such as frames, forms, images,image maps, tables, lists and more. Twoversions available: Standard & Professional.
WEBXLIST.ZIP 5,813 06-08-96 Convert WebExplorer Quicklists to WebExtraBookmarks
WFTPD220.ZIP 197,591 06-23-96 (v2.20) WFTPD - Winsock FTP Server. Allowsyou to administer an FTP site from your ownWindows machine. Easy to use and configure,and notoriously stable. Costs only $20 toregister either the 16-bit or the 32-bit
WUUDO486.ZIP 37,555 08-23-96 UUEncode/DeCode for Win3.1 on 486 systems
XFERP111.ZIP 150,096 07-23-96 XferPro v1.11 <ASP> Easy to use UU, XX, MIMEbase64, Binhex encoder & decoder.Automatically determines parameters so youdon't have to. With the myriad of internetemail transfer protocols and encoding schemes
YARN_091.ZIP 855,084 06-17-96 PC Yarn v0.91b - Suite of DOS programs usedto store and read USENET news and mailoffline. Imports articles from SOUP filesinto a news database.
ZMUD16.ZIP 512,784 06-03-96 Zugg's Mud 16. 16-bit mud player for the inte